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3.1 Two-Body Problem

Until Copernicus (1473-1543) the prevalent and politically safe point of view of the universe was geocentric.

Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) recorded positions of Mars and another planets with instruments developped by himself in the pre-telescope and pre-pendulus clock era.

Kepler (1571-1630) dechipered the Tycho Brahe observations in terms of the Kepler's laws. He had to perform a lot
of arithmetical operations to deriver their laws, 400 years before the  computer age. But he dieda poor man...


And Isaac Newton (1642-1727) explained why with the gravitational law and the two-body problem solution.

Two-body problem: Given at any time the positions and velocities of two particles of known mass moving under their mutual gravitational force calculate their positions and velocities at any other time

Universal gravitation law: Every particle of matter M in the Universe attracts every other particle of matter m with a force directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance r between them:

being m kg s , , the position vectors for M and m respectively and the relative position vector. We will consider the body 1 (M) as the Earth and the body 2 (m) the satellite.



Integral of the Energy:
Multiplying equation 1 by and integrating we get:


Integral of the angular momentum:
Cross multiplicating of equation 1 by we get that the angular momentum per mass unit remains constant in the orbit:

Then the motion of the satellite is performed in the plane perpendicular to with constant, being the polar coordinates of the satellite in this plane (2nd Kepler's law).

Integral of the Perigee:
Cross multiplicating equation 1 by and taking into account that :

The double vectorial product of the right term can be developed as:

And a (new) third integral is found:

This is a vector contained in the orbit plane pointing to the perigee, which module is the eccentricity. Indeed, multiplying by and applying the "cyclic" property of the double "scalar-vectorial" product:

being the angle of the position vector referred to the perigee (true anomaly).

And finally we can get from this expression, the ellipse equation of parameter and eccentricity e:


From these expressions is possible to compute the velocity components in the orbit plane (polar coordinates) and the velocity module:


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Manuel Hernandez Pajares
Thu Jun 4 14:25:37 GMT 1998